APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTHChildren's healthy development is the foundation for community and economic development. Research states that children's experiences literally build the developing architecture of their maturing brains. Children's brains are built in a sequence of phases, with every phase forming the foundation for the one that follows. Similarily, like a house needs a strong foundation. The quality of a child's brain affects all the development that follows. Children thrive when they have nurturing, supportive relationships and interactions with the adults in their lives.
IT SHOULDN'T HURT TO BE A CHILD...When children are abused or neglected they are in a constant state of stress. The absence of supportive relationships can cause damage to the developing brain architecture, disrupting normal child development. This can leave the child vulnerable, causing them to turn to more "risky" social and health behaviors. Examples of these behaviors may include, smoking, sexual promiscuity at an early age, illegal drug and alcohol use, among other. The using of these behaviors can lead to poor physical, emotional, and mental health.
There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect it has on the child. Children need structure, stability and clear boundaries. Abused children are unable to predict how their parents will react. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Below are types of abuse followed by examples.
Most parents want the trust and respect of their children. Yet, that is something that can only be earned when the parent(s) act with integrity and maturity and respect the children as the seperate people they are. Violence will only breed violence and can never be justified in the name of teaching a child to behave. This is not about telling a parent how to raise and parent their own children. This is about stopping a cycle of destruction, that if left untreated, has the potential to leave lasting scars on generations to come.